because they are multiplayer games DUMBASS!.... in multiplayer games the game companies servers are connected to your computer that means they can know if u r using a crack or a legitimate copy of the game , so u can not play with a modified or bypassed version. ....seriously the amount of dumbness i see in the comment sections of cracked games sites is getting on my nerves.
There are good games coming out...Like Nier Automata for example! :D The list personally helped me a lot! It would be nice if it could be updated monthly!...
Do not feed the trolls please :) Khalid we know it but people are way too quick to call someone out without reading the other stuff. :) at first denuvo wasnt going to be there BUT woah and behold Here it is and because of this NOW it will take more time to crack. ORIGINALY it was not based on that thus why I stated what I did before. Had he read that part of my stuff maybe the troll would have learned instead of peeking out from under the bridge and yelling phoney.
Sooooo no Tales of Berseria I presume? denuvo really ruin this month and the only that can make it better is Disgaea 2 .... or that someone actually crack Tales of Berseria :3
Oh its out there lol just not here YET give it a couple hours itll be here keep in mind Deneuvo has various types THIS one happens to be the easy one where as say RE 7 has a more complicated one Give CPY some time :) hell get it done he always does. :) Same for Disgaea 2.
Yeah im sure CPY is awesome and gets things done! look at all the games hes cracked that were previously deemed NOT CRACKABLE :) it may take a couple hours or even days but he always does it. RE7 though may take longer but still IT WILL get done :) maybe not on release day lol but still.
LIAR! RE7 was craked before Tales of Berseria XD, maybe it is easier to crak but less people want to play it, I dont give a shit about Re7 but I gueass that more poeple wanted that game so it was craked first... Idk, anyway I still have high hopes for Tales of Bersiria in February at least
I said CPY gets things done never gave an order lol besides I AINT CPY he has his own goals lol :P And yeah he should be cracking that next :) thats all I dont know his schedual lol
yeah I know that, I just blaming you for giving me hope just to be crushed by reality (Oh soo much drama XD), so I am going to ignore you this time and belive that Tales of Berseria is going to be upload on april.... so if it comes earlier I will be happier XD, (yeah I know there is something wrong with me)
they also ssaid disgaea would never do it either but yet here it is :) as well as part 2 so do not always go by that :) EDIT: upon reading the article and knowing Persona has ALWAYS been sony exclusive Ima go with NO PC release for this.
already done it :) its being released in AMERICA AND UK the 27 its already out in japan lol the crack will apply to both FYI beseria is awesome im just gonna buy the game directly anyway. I always support NIS and Namco on these types of games Tales of espicialy :)
Did the JP version use Denuvo? I guess if they didn't, than finding the exact code that Denuvo is holding hostage won't be as hard, but still. Will believe when I see.
resident evil 7 and tales of berseria will have denuvo might take 1 year depends on the update because CPY won't crack unless the game it self has stop updating
who you kidding? one RE7 has been cracked already. 2 CPY cracks games regardless its all based on his schedual AND the time it will take to crack since denuvo takes a slightly differant "form" from game to game. USUALY its like 2 weeks to 2 months ROUGHLY. and since theres a slew of denuvo games NOW able to be cracked his request list is quite full. My only suggestion give it time it will happen just never guess when and IT WILL NEVER BE THAT LONG.
Nothing in my post would logically lead you to believe I think IGG cracks games. Resident Evil 7 is a major upcoming release, taht many will want confirmed to have Denuvo and it hasn't been cracked. By that logic, Hitman should be on the list, plain and simple. Has nothing to do with the type of Denuvo. My feeling is no Denuvo games should be on the list, but if the criteria is major releases we want to be cracked and available in IGG, then Hitman fits the bill.
Agreed sinnerman and it's weird how they are able to crack Batman Arkham Knight a game which was of the first few to be equipped with Denuvo and not to mention Resident Evil 7 is a FPS shooter sell out now and them infecting the game with Denuvo is stupid and wreckless of them okay fine EA are jackholes anyway but other studios are nice.
Happy 2017 for those who are able (me I just hospitalized my cat :/)! Is Styx Shards of Darkness gonna be infected with the the denuvo plague or something? It should release early 2017, why else wouldn't it be listed here?
is soccer the only sport that exist in this shitty earth? maybe you're a member of the maradonian church you fucking pagan,and how the fuck did i got bullied by friend if they're my fucking friends? well unless you're talking about a fucking orgy or thats the only english language that you known of. Read a fucking dictionary 豚ーやろ!
►hating on FP-only games ►a FP-only design model that has now usurped one of the better-known TP s/h franchise ►...not as an option, but forced on players ►I'm the one being closed-minded 'k.
The franchise hasn't been a good TP horror game since 3 and a good TP game of any kind since 4. The game looks intriguing to me, but I'm reserving judgement until it comes out. Since you've decided to come out of the gate hating without getting the full experience, you are being close minded. But then I see you agree with me that you're close-minded, so no further discussion needed. Thanks for admitting it. That's big of you :)
The hate is for Crapclown's abandonment of the franchise for easy money. First-person -- especially when talking about shooters or s/h -- is the easy way out. Easy, in terms of design, and easy in terms of low-risk sales. TP games are harder to develop and harder to make good, in much the same way as fighting games are, and this is why so many first-person iterations exist. It's nothing to do with which design model is better.
Oh, ok. Didn't know you were clairvoyant. Wait! You're not?!?! Surely then, you're on the development team or you're intimately familiar with them? No? How can this be?!?! Oh, now it makes sense. You must be a gaming historian. Not that either???? Just some dude in a comment section that thinks he knows it all and takes gaming way too seriously? Ding ding ding! Alright buddy, I'll move it along. Nothing constructive for me here. Have at that at the last word I know you want so badly. Peace.
Resident evil not only TPS, y, know. Resident Evil for GBA is an RPG RE : Darkside/Umbrella Chronicle is a rail shooter RE : Survivor is an FPS RE : Umbrella Corps is an FPS
You do realize we're talking about a game titled "RESIDENT EVIL", right? The first thing, you're wrong about is that RE hasn't been non action centered since RE4. The second is, if there's a, ya know, RESIDENT EVIL, it can qualify as a RESIDENT EVIL game. I'll never understand the need to prejudge anything. Just because a franchise switches up a format, doesn't make it a different game. Since the first 5 games were 2D, I suppose you think Super Mario 64 and the Galaxy series aren't Super Mario games, right? Same applies to the Metroid Trilogy, every Final Fantasy from VII onward, every home console TLoZ since OoT, every Fallout after 2, and every GTA after 2, right?
Scalebound is my most anticipated one which is not in the list. It sucks if it use Denuvo (unconfirmed). Shame if Tales of Berseria gonna use Denuvo too like Rage Burst 2.
I hate when they post this because in the past they never even end up making it to download stage Like Gears of War 4, Unravel, and another game I forgot.
Steam has it confirmed that its using Denuvo. Last time I checked there was like 50+ pages of "discussion" about it. Translation: a few rabid denuvo fans facing off against a bunch of people saying "denuvo? pass" and the like.
you can bypass the online with watchdogs 2 I KNOW i play it offline all the time I tend to dislike Uplay and only use it to patch the games :) However it uses denuvo as well so yeah itll take a while
I love how obviously Ciel has said not to post game requst, but still alot of people are saying stuff like: WATCH DOGS 2??????????????????????????????? BATTLEFIELD 1 UPLOAD PLS PLS UPLOAD JUST CAUSE 3 It ticks me off so much.
DENUVO :) HOWEVER I do own the title AND can donate a copy BUT know this it runs like shit even with a 1070 i got :) its the game itself they are gonna patch it very soon if not already by the time of this post. WHEN that happens Ill be more than willing to donate the game to anyone willing to reverse engineer it :) (note please put this in the right section mobile wont let me do it directly)
Well, each entry into the series is a seperate game. So since this was about piece of shit niggers from the start they didnt change anything. Checkmate atheist.
Will you be uploading Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2? since it comes out on Oct. 27th or is that tentative until we find out how it'll be secured (as in with Denuvo or whatever)? a prompt answer is very much appreciated. To be clear, I don't know what its security will be, I'm just curious and such if anyone knows anything regarding that basically...
Any Forza title is an Xbox exclusive. However, Microsoft has announced they are going to release titles from the Xbox to their webstore, so Forza Horizon 3 may be a possibility.
Highly doubtful man, it is a multiplayer game and in the game requests section, where you are supposed to ask, states "• Don’t request games that require you to be connected to the Internet!*" "• Don’t request games that require you to be connected to a game’s servers to play!**". It is a multiplayer game, meaning you need the internet to play and you need to be connected to its servers. Unless the game has a solid single player campaign, I don't think it is possible.
Inside, Rise Of The Tomb Raider, Doom, all of which have Denuvo have been successfully cracked by CPY. I've been hearing everywhere Just Cause 3 is next. Every couple weeks a game is cracked should only be a matter of time before Deus Ex.