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Mechanica Free Download (v1.2.3.2)

Mechanica Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. Mechanica is an open-world survival game with a heavy focus on building and programming. Create your own bases, defenses, manufacturing systems and more. Explore the map and…

Mechanica Free Download


Game Overview


developer Developer: Deimos Interactive

developer Publisher: Deimos Interactive

release date Release Date: 28 Feb, 2020

genre Genre: Building, Survival, Action


Mechanica is an open-world survival game with a heavy focus on building and programming. Create your own bases, defenses, manufacturing systems and more. Explore the map and expand the scope and complexity of your creations.

Step into a open-world, post-apocalyptic map populated by menacing robots. Establish your first base and begin automating.

Improve your defenses with a range of devices to keep the increasingly hostile robots at bay. Create farms and water pumps to keep yourself fed and hydrated. Try your best to remain alive in this hostile world.

Use the visual programming system to make objects interact in any way you wish. Make a tripwire trigger a flamethrower, use a button to instantly put your base in lockdown, control your mining outpost from across the map – anything is possible in Mechanica.

Key Features


Mechanica Torrent Download

Key Fetures:

  • Build your own bases or fortify preexisting locations
  • Set up advanced defenses to fend off robots
  • Establish automated manufacturing systems to produce items for you
  • Build farms and water pumps to keep yourself fed and hydrated

Mechanica PC Crack


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(See instructions if you don't know how to install: Instructions on how to install)

1. Extract/Install.
2. Crack if needed.
3. Play game.
4. Have fun ^^.
5. (OPTION) Install the update version if they have the future in the link below:


System Requirement



  • OS: Windows 7 32-bit
  • Processor: 2 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: Mechanica is in early access, meaning these requirements may change during development.


  • OS: Windows 10 64-bit
  • Processor: 3 GHz
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: Mechanica is in early access, meaning these requirements may change during development.

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please release older versions
google link need "approval"
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plsss update to i really need that
I thought picking up items was finicky and annoying to encourage you to automate stuff and get bots to pickup stuff for you but when I finally got buddy bots researched and built I saw no way program them to pickup wood, crystals, stuff enemies drop or anything that isn't already in a container of some sort. I suppose wood and plants aren't that important after you've researched better stuff, crystals you only need until you've researched everything and you can set up vacuums around your traps to suck up the items.
Thankfully it's still in early-access so it might get better eventually.
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Hi i have question can you update to Mechanica v1.1.8 please ?
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put a request in
abo Faylasof
Say, will soon launch the update @@disqus_KK7KWhviAU:disqus I will prove this
abo Faylasof
We'll be evaluating this site with a half-star. I said where Mechanica v1.1.5
abo Faylasof
v 1 1 5
abo Faylasof
i need the new Mechanica v1.1.5 please
abo Faylasof
Mechanica v1.1.5
i need the new v 1.1.5 please
abo Faylasof
Good breaking news. Updates have been added in Mechanica v1.1.5. Bots, weapons, gadgets, traps, and more have been added thanks to the translator @Tyler_Deimos
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how do i get it man
Infinite Loading screen upon creating a new game.
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game is updated u can thank me and FreakzHut (who cracked it and gave permission to give it to IGG)
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Kazuma Kazuma Desu
1.16 version ?
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Thunder Wolf
Ueusdlast Mitsumi
it's been 87 years
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Ichigo Kurosaki
cha, thats my line. you are the one talk
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Ichigo Kurosaki
people are such a lazy dick like you, this is why its waste to say you to go ´´request´´
Kazuma Kazuma Desu
good game but wish it was still updated here its 3 versions out of date and the others changes alot
the pasword
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Is the file size less than 5 MB?
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If the answer to any of the questions is yes, you downloaded an ad.
Please try downloading the files again and make sure you get the correct ones.
Mohamed craft
Please Update to 1.0.14 i need the Update fast Please!!!!
Gogo Loves mama
great news:
the site owner told me that they would upload the newest version today or tomorrow
when 1.0.10 come
when mechineca 1.0.11 come
diogo sombreireiro
how can i do if my game dosent start
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we'll everyone is happy about 1.0.9 but now we need 1.0.10
: / yeah usually best to just wait for the game to finish
finally 1.0.9
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even tho i spammed alot, everyday, but didn't even give a fuck.
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they did not even update it to 1.0.8 no idea how long will it gonna take.
is it will take to long to update to 1.0.9 ?
Henrique Carvalho da Silva
ótimo jogo, me divertir algumas horas com ele ^-^
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please update to 1.0.8
thank you
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Vipar Hany
if you wanna ask for game update go to GAME REQUEST there you can see detail
by the way i already asked for 1.0.8 update
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ok thanks
FullDestruction Gaming
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If you want ENGLISH version;
István János
main language is english here
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Curtis Newton
early access games are becoming a plague
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some are really putting effort and not doing bullshit
others are abusing the EA tag to scam and dissapear, abandoning the game
the people who buy EA games are playing the flipping coin
its a 50/50 chance :/
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Sad Gamer
From a small developers point of view, Early Access is probably a blessing though.
what do you mean?
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Im pretty sure he means that nowadays games are released incomplete and some even empty, and they are spreading more and more as time passes, like a plague. I also hate this, id rather wait a year for a full game than waiting a month for these types of games.
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Early Release means devs don't have to pay game testers anymore. In fact, people are paying the devs for early access. So pretty much, the tables have turned.
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Finally someone informed about the industry. It is just another shekel game, but people don't understand. Everything the (((industry))) gets their hands on turns into another pile of shit scamming people out of their money.
Game seems to have a really nice idea and looks good too, but it is what you guys said. What happened to this industry that suddenly every single game is launched and asks for your money without it even being complete? Most of them are never finished anyway, this has to stop.
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Andre Wellington
I'm on the other point of view with this, i like being able to play games early on and being excited for new content, if what you guys are saying was to be true, then we wouldn't have games like minecraft and fortnite since they're both (technically) early access stages.
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Fortnite is trash. Minecraft is an exception to the rule because it had a one man army dev like most EA games that succeed have, someone dedicated to the work of his life. Early Access is cancer, how old are you?
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Andre Wellington
This also has a one man army dev, his name is Tyler and you can find him on discord......... also, im just stating games that have succeeded which are in early access, like ARK, Fortnite, Minecraft. I mean i never played fortnite but i know if they can put 300mil on a prize pool then they definitely succeeded. Sure, early access doesnt produce all good. However, to completely throw it out the window would mean games LIKE minecraft, fortnite, ark and many others would also be gone. They only managed to succceed because they were early access, they were able to get money to fund their game and thus make it successful and fun for everyone.
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EA should not be a business model, it is changing the game industry for worse, again REGARDING QUALITY. We don't see complete games anymore, they're in constant development for an excuse and some of them are downright broke and never get fixed.
Again I don't think you get it, age matters in this. You can't properly judge EA games if you were born in the XXI century. I mentioned quality and you mentioned money and a horde of dumb people buying broke shit as a synonym to success.
Your examples are poor at best. Minecraft is incredibly unoptimized, IT RUNS IN JAVA FFS! Performance is terrible because there is an interpreter between another layer of another interpreter to tell your machine to do shit like render stuff. Fortnight is a game that was born under Chinese/Merchants hegemony era, which means it was developed in an era that the main target for games is getting the money out of your wallet. Mainly, preys on children to get revenue, something one can consider abusive and downright immoral, but to each their own right? I guess everything is fine in gameland when we have objective game reviewers such as yourself to protect us right?
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Andre Wellington
A lot of great games have come from or still are in early access stages, I'd consider this to be one of them, as i've played over 32hrs of this and what you can do with the programming aspect of it really is limitless, so i went ahead and bought the full game. Also, Tyler the dev has been updating it frequently, there's a discord and lots of support for this. New update coming soon to help with performance, saying it may double people's FPS in some cases.
István János
Create your game and sell it. Coz normally this is the way.
Most of these "developers" with their early acces shit, be part of the developing blablabla, bullshit, they are beggars.
it will go on and get an even bigger problem as long as people keep throwing money at unfinished games. it's simple don't preorder don't buy early access games
Blue Bomber
Very Vast Open World Sandbox with Cartoon Style graphics, the gameplay is smooth and responsive. I've been chased by a robot with saw in this hand then another robot came too :(
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István János
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the gameplay is what it counts this time
so who cares if hes not speaking english
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István János
this guy not uploaded his video coz he want to show us the game,he just need viewers, subscribers
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yeah so what?
theres a few around this site doing the same thing too
what it counts is the fact that you don't need to bother to go to steam to look for a preview that they dont last longer than here
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István János
True. I've try the game (30min), but no idea how to fill up the furnace or how to place fuel into furnace for ex. lol
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If you want ENGLISH version, I made a quick first look video;
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István János
no more early access game thanks
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Talledega Knight
Yes no more I mean who would want want successful early access games like this, Subnautica,FTL,Divinity Original Sin 2,Astroneer,Starbound.,yeah some will fail but we now have more games to possibly play than ever before.
It's not as if you can magically create the game you need time to develop them and when they succeed you get the games above and many more on the horizon.Not all devs are made of money or Billionaire companies ripping of their player base with trash and no imagination or spark.
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István János
If i decide to develope a game, i finish it(i try) before i publish it.
This is the way doesn't matter what is your product.
Once you have a computer and programms for it, nothing else you need so why should i support any of these early access shit? They just milking the dumbs.